Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Principals.....or Elections?

The general's report is in, but.....already, those on the left politically (Democrats, mostly) are wagging their heads in disbelief, disgust, and denial. Surely this surge can't be working, right? Well lefties, it is working, and to accuse the general of "cooking the books" only makes you look more like what you are.
What everyone must come to grips with is the reasons the Democrats are so disenchanted with this Iraq war. Listed below are the top 5 reasons why the left can't find anything good about our current war on terror:
  • It is seen as George W. Bush's war. Liberals hate George W. Bush, so they hate the war he is presiding over as Commander in Chief.
  • It seeks to liberate people from a dictatorship, to a democracy. Liberals admire dictatorships, autocracies, and other models that give most or all of the power to the government. They won't come right out and say it, but they are all about big government, and the government taking over most of life. That is undeniable.
  • Liberal Democrats have a long history of disenchantment with the military. You just don't find many liberal (politically, financially, socially, etc.) generals, commanders, and so on. For at least 75 years, Democratic presidents, senators, and congressmen have done very poorly in military situations. Churchill ensured allied victory in WWII, NOT Roosevelt. It was Johnson that got us into Vietnam, and he is the one that escalated that war. Nixon inherited Johnson's quagmire, and then got tagged with the blame for the whole shin-dig. And let's not forget slick Willie and his debacle in Mogadishu. Made a movie about that one. Funny how they failed to mention his ill fated and limp wristed policy of "presence without intervention." It's like being in a boxing ring, but keeping your hands in your pockets.
  • It is win-able. It hasn't been a smooth road, but then again, exactly how long is it supposed to take a violent, 3rd world country with decades of internal war and genocide to turn around to a peaceful, productive democracy? Jury is out on that one, but common sense says more than a few years. Even so, grand strides have been made in restructuring and setting up infrastructure that counts, like businesses, schools, hospitals, and trade. The liberal press has basically reported not a stitch of this, and sadly, the one conservative press outlet we commonly see has done poorly in this area too. Shame on them for not drowing their airwaves with all the true positive stories that need to be shared.
  • Finally, it is embarassing for them. Many of the most liberal democrats voted for proceeding with the war. Many of the same had access to the same information as Republicans, and they felt it was warranted. What is rarely shared is the immense amount of time Saddam had to hide and destroy his WMD's (which we know he had, because he used them all the time on people groups he hated, like the Kurds) with all the resolutions that President Bush felt necessary to offer. If he had just drawn the line earlier, even by a week or so, it would have made a huge difference in terms of discoveries and tactical advances. Either way, the liberals went for it, and then had to eat their words and do what they do best: change positions. And now, it's finally out that real progress is being made, and President Bush has no intentions of caving or leaving until he is good and ready. The democrats are once again left trying to peer over a fence that separates the men from the boys, whining, crying, and backstabbing.

Democrats don't oppose the war because of philosophical or religious principals, nor do they oppose the war because they are genuinely worried about our soldiers. They oppose the war because it makes President Bush look like a real commander, a real man willing to take on real issues in a really scary world. They are intimidated and feel left out. They are desperately afraid the American public will see the positive side of all this and, horror of all horrors, elect another Republican next go around. Having a Republican president wage a honest and needed war (and winning it!) makes democrats feel like the geeky, skinny kid who is picked dead last for dodgeball -- left out, useless, and totally out of sorts.

Liberals hate President Bush because he is in office, he is conserative, he is a Christian, and he is guided by principals, not polls. Democrats are not led by principals -- they are led by the consuming desire to be elected, or re-elected. A president like George W. makes them look fake, shallow, and souless, by comparison.

So, as the liberal media (directly tied to liberal politicans, without doubt) continues to try to banter on about how horribly this war is going, and how unfit our President is, be informed enough to brush aside their asceine arguments and get at the heart of what they are saying -- get at their heart -- and realize that they would rather see America "lose" a war, any war, than to see a Republican President be successful.