Thursday, March 20, 2008

One Wright Makes Many Wrongs

Can enough be said about Jeremiah Wright and his association with Barak Obama?

Hardly. But let us begin with the Reverend Wright.

Racism and bigotry is a fact of the human existence. We will always have both on this earth as long as there are more than 2 races of people. At it's core is ignorance and unfounded hatred, but that does nothing but fuel it. Unfortunate, and a stain upon the human race at large.

Racism is not regulated to any one particular race. Racism rears its ugly head among all people groups and nations. To hate or despise another human being because of the color of their skin is a sure sign of unintellectual thought. That is why racism should be eschewed.

No one ever born had any control over their assigned gender or race. Therefore, no one has any more reason to be ashamed of their gender or race, any more than they have a reason to be proud of the same. It's just what God has given you, and you can do nothing about it.

The Reverend Wright must not believe this logic. His comments, of which only a few have surfaced to date, reveal an angry, bigoted, racist man who used the pulpit to spew his ignorant, hate-filled speeches, so as to spur on racism among his congregation, and the world. He committed many "felonies" in doing so. To utter such language and hate from the pulpit is an affront to God, and God will judge that, be assured, just as He will judge those who would lie, misrepresent, and use that desk for personal gain.

Perhaps some would like to control the outcries against Wright by saying that he was "exposed" to racism in his past, and so his anger is somewhat justifiable. Rubbish. Wright may have been exposed to some racism in his distant past, and he may not have. It is not a sure thing. Millions of black Americans lived right through the final era of limited rights and never knew what it was to be called a name or be rejected from employment due to their race.

America has slavery in its past, and there is no denying that fact. But maybe Rev. Wright, and the black American community at large, needs to examine a few other facts as well.

1. America was founded, primiarly, by white males. American has been led, predominately, by white males ever since. The vast majority of business, political, and social institutions in America are either led by, or controlled by, white Americans. There is a erronous thought among some minorities that another race other than the white race "built" America. Such thinking is decrepid at best. To this day, the gender and race that most determines who is elected to the Presidency is white males. If that bothers Wright, then so be it, but it does not change the FACTS. America is a country founded, established, and run by white Americans.

2. America is predominately white. No way around that one! Census polls have shown the black community as representing somewhere between 10 14% of the total population. Most reliable estimates place the black population at 12%. Reverend Wright needs to let that number sink in and make mathematical sense to him. Fully 88% of all Americans are something other than black. The Hispanic population falls somewhere in the 12% category as well, even as census bureau leaders admit that counting all the illegal aliens of hispanic origin is problematic, at best. The Asian community seems to maintain a 6 - 8% ratio, even for the past 2 decades. And of course, there are other small pockets of many other races represented in America as well. The latest surveys indicate that the white community still holds a commanding lead at somewhere around 68% of the total American population. Of course, some liberal elements forecast radical, sweeping changes in those census statistics, but at best, they are wishful thinking, at least, for the next century.

3. There is more slavery in Africa today than ever existed in colonial America. A simple perusal of the many humanitarian agencies working in Africa will establish that the slave trade is alive and well on the continent of Africa, but there is a twist. Today (and for some decades, at least) there are literally millions of black Africans held in slavery by.....wait for Africans. Of course, those held in slavery are mostly women and children, and the type of slavery ranges from prostitution to work farms for political leaders, but the Reverend Wright shouldn't be bothered with such facts, right? Maybe this is part of the "culture" there and we shouldn't interfere. Again - rubbish. No one truly knows how many slaves were bought and sold in colonial America, but the numbers are generally believed to be below one million. Also, fully 90% of all white Americans alive during our slavery history could not afford to own even one slave, let alone many. What did happen is that many white farmers would "rent out" black slaves held by a few very wealthy white owners to help on their farms during peak work times. And the number of white Americans who would refuse to own a slave, even if their finances allowed, was 10 times more than those who ever owned or rented a slave.

4. Speaking of Africa, genocide is a large part of the fabric of life in Africa, even to this present day. When was the last time genocide was experienced in America? Oh Well, to be honest, abortion is our only foray into genocide, but that happens across all racial and economic boundaries. The Reverend Wright made comments that the Bush administration and white America has been practicing "genocide" via the Iraq war, and the drug trade. Rubbish, rubbish, and more rubbish. Perhaps the highly experienced Mr. Obama could make another trip to Kenya and view the vast mass graves of all the Kenyians who were slaughtered in past months because they were not Muslim. Perhaps he and his chap Mr. Wright would like to go together, and take a pleasant tour of Sudan and count all the corpses who met their fate at the hands of other black Africans. Instead......SILENCE. Why? Could it be that there would be nothing to say or feel other than shame? Double standard, indeed.

5. The leading cause of death among young black males between the ages of 15 and 23 is other black males. You got it Rev., murder! Young Black males are far more likely to meet their demise at the hands of another black male than any other form of death. This sobering statistic has been true for decades as well, but somehow, the apologetic liberal press refuses to publish such information. The black American community knows it well, but refuses to talk about it too. Wonder why? Who would be to blame then?

The Reverend Wright, who is undoubtedly paid VERY well by the members of his church, and who lives in a very comfortable home and drives a nice car and can afford insurance, groceries, and clothing as well as any other American making an annual income exceeding the national average, finds it almost impossible to stomach this great nation that sends more aid, more missionaries, and more resources in general to those people of the world who are most starving and destitute, including his preferred "home" of Africa. Funny, he has visited his alleged "home," but refuses to move there and prosper as he has here in America. Wonder why? Could it be that he knows that the opportunities he has had here, and the freedom, and the predominately Christian environment does not exist anywhere in Africa? (maybe he knows more than he lets on!)

White Americans are going to HAVE to stop apologizing for being white, and they are also going to have to stop fretting over what a few of their ancient ancestors may or may have not done to or with slaves in colonial America. The black American community has yelled loud and long, and so loud and long that it may be that they have lost sight of the radical changes on their behalf that white America has initiated. Black Americans are also going to have to come to a point where they stop blaming all their ills on the white leadership that runs America and look to within their own race for solutions and answers.

The Reverend Wright (recently "retired," with his church under investigation by the IRS...hmmm) is an angry, ignorant black bigot who needs to get a new perspective and some sound education, or he needs to buy himself a one-way ticket to his "homeland" and see what kind of life he can eek out there. One way or the other -- but that kind of radical, hate-filled racism cannot and should not be tolerated in America.

And the Wrights of this nation had better watch out too -- that so-called reverse racism, when exposed for what it is, and exposed for it's far reaching pervasiveness, will awaken a huge, white giant that will not be pleasant.

As for Obama, at the time of this writing: Funny how he has taken a page directly from the Clinton playbook for policical posturing -- deny, lie, misspeak, and distance.

BHO will be eating those words soon. Bon appetite!

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