Monday, April 6, 2009

The Problem With Job

And it's not what you think.

The problem with the Biblical character Job is not that he was "given up" by God to Satan. Sure, God handed him over to Satan to torture, but God was showing His sovereignty in all things by doing so. God was revealing that spiritual warfare begins and ends with Him, not with Satan, as many think. Go back and check the account in the book of Job -- God proposes the name to Satan, who was looking for someone to mess with. God put limits on what could be done, but to the amazement of most, God allowed a "righteous" man to be tortured, humiliated, and devastated to the hilt. And for what? Well, for one thing, thousands of years later, people are still reading about his life and learning tremendous lessons from it in the Bible.

The problem with Job is not that his friends were horribly misguided. They rightly thought that for this much calamity in his life, Job must have committed some heinous sin worthy of such pain. Maybe they didn't have a complete understanding of God, but they were convinced that if Job would just admit his sin, and confess it, then God would relent with all this punishment and Job could get on with life. Most of the book is consumed with the rantings of Job's "friends." To be fair, they were following convential thinking. Just look at John chapter 9. A thousand years later, people asked Jesus if the man born blind was stricken this way due to his own sin, or the sins of his parents. Jesus responded, "neither, but that the mighty hand of God may be revealed." Hmmm, sounds much like the overall theme in Job.

The problem with Job is that he was "righteous," or as righteous as a man got in his time. Keep in mind Biblical scholars consider Job one of the oldest writings in the Bible. Under the old covenant, Job was considered a good and honest man, a God-fearer. And in a manner of speaking, Job didn't do anything wrong. In fact, he was doing everything right. And yet, he still suffered tremendous calamity.

The problem with Job is that he is not like us. I don't know of anyone who could pass such close scrutiny and come out "clean." So how do we relate to Job's story? What do we do when clamity and chaos hits our lives, and we are left wondering if God is punishing us, or teaching us, or just allowing Satan to beat us up? How do we distinguish between God's discipline, God's wrath, and God's allowances for the sake of displaying His glory?

I wish I had an answer. I think the answer comes at the end, much like Job may never have known what God was doing, even after God gave him a thrashing at the end of the book. Maybe sometimes things just happen, bad things, untimely things, things that would happen if we were way outside of God's will, or deeply tucked within. Maybe God's punishment, discipline, and sovereignty all intertwine at times, and we are left asking and seeking. Maybe that is a good place to be most of the time.

I have never thought of myself as free and clear. I have always had reason to fear God's punishment. But I have not always thought of everything that happens as God's direct punishment. I think sometimes the world just isn't fair, and bad things happen.

I do think that God has good, holy purposes in all that He does. I do know that God will not share His glory with anyone or anything. I do know that in Job's case, God displayed His control over Satan, circumstances, and human reasoning for all time. God can and will do what He wants, when He wants, but He never does so without good cause.

What to do with Job? I don't know, but it wasn't Job's righteousness that turned things around. God chose to do so. For His own purposes. And Job learned a lesson about God for all time.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Balancing the Scales

Do you ever feel like you are performing a balancing act, when trying to love God as you should, and be a citizen of this world, at the same time?

In Matthew 10:37, Jesus said, "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me."

Strong words from our Lord, often taken out of context by overly zealous teachers and preachers who want to browbeat their audience, using guilt to "develop" more zealous disciples. The danger here is to fail to realize that Jesus used hyperbole very often, and this is yet another case of hyperbole (exaggeration) mixed with a heaping dose of truth.

Taken as a whole, it is hard to dismiss the idea that God wants us to love Him first, last, and always, above everything else. When asked what was the greatest commandment, Jesus went straight to the well known 10 commandments and told the questioning young man that to love God first, with everything we have, is the greatest commandment. Rightly stated, everything else after that comes into proper perspective.

So, do we prove our love for God by diminishing our love for father and mother, sister and brother? Again, some of those misguided and overly zealous preachers and teachers might say this is the way, thereby proving our love for God, that we must not love others or this world as much, and that will take care of the "who is first" question. I say they are wrong.

If a person wants to tip the scales in God's favor in their heart, they are ill advised to try to cut down or diminish their love for other things (some of these "things" we are in fact instructed to love) so that their minimal love for God will be on par with their love for everything else. This tactic would be similar to eating a spoonful of healthy food to counteract the effect of the huge dessert you plan to consume after the meal.

Instead, and in keeping with the heart of what Jesus was saying, we should increase our love for God, and devotion to Him, to the degree that IN COMPARISON to our love for mother and father, it would almost look like we don't love our earthly loved ones at all. In other words, our love for God is so great that no other thing or person comes close.

Jesus knew that family ties are strong, and He knew that we are not supposed to not love them once we begin to love God. That would be ridiculous. But He used this stark and strong contrast and hyperbole to make the point that loving God supersedes all other passions in life, and if we follow that plan, other rightful loves and passions will be brought into perspective and balanced out.

I say that we Christians should quit the frivolity of trying to "clean house" in order to prove our love for God, and instead should just sit at His feet, learn of Him and from Him, focus upon Him, understand our place with Him, and then let those things that may or may not compete with Him be sorted out in the wash, so to speak. "Wash" here meaning time, experience, and just living life.

We don't love God anywhere like we should. We must admit that. We don't love Him because we don't know Him. We don't know Him because we are afraid of Him, and rightly so, and we keep our distance. We want to know Him in general terms, like the people of Israel, wanting Moses to tell them what God said and looked like, but not wanting to know first hand. To be close to Him is to feel the burn of His holiness, but it is also to feel the extreme love and kindness He offers as well. We need both. And they come together, as a set. Along with the myriad other attributes of God.

I think the fast track to knowing God, in order to increase our love for Him, begins in His word. Reading the Word with the singular intent to learn about Him, instead of trying to get messages in there for us. Secondly, praying with the intent of praising Him, and then, listening to Him. God is going to take care of the Aunts and the loss of jobs and the hungry masses whether we pray for them or not. Instead, we should pray praises to Him for what He has already done, and will do, on our behalf and for the world.
Third, we need to be thankful in all things, understanding that nothing happens by chance, this is a sinful and fallen world, but God is always about the business of taking what is twisted and wrong and returning it to the right.

God is always righting the scales.

So you want to love God more? Then quit trying to clean out your "house," thinking that such activity will prove something to God and yourself. Instead, make a new commitment each day to learn from and about God, resist selfish ambition which is part of being human, and understand that this long journey of attempting to put God first will reap huge rewards both now, and in the future, and enjoy a much more balanced life in the meantime.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Knew A Pastor

Actually, I worked with a pastor who shares many things in common with our current president.

I knew a pastor who had a very vague, non-descript past, little real experience, and then made a leap to the highest office "in the land," as it was. His family history and ties were hard to determine, as his story changed from day to day. In fact, much like Obama, he rarely talked specifics about his family at all. He has sisters he never mentioned. Obama has a half-brother that still lives in a hut to this day in Kenya. The pastor painted a humble and lowly picture of his upbringing, and yet, his step father was very wealthy. The larger the audience, the more humble he tried to make his childhood sound.

I knew a pastor that paraded his immediate family (wife and kids) around at every opportunity. Fake, glowing public displays of family togetherness were used whenever possible. As if directed, his wife would make an entrance, or speak as if from a strict script, in a way that seemed totally premeditated. His children would wave and smile in a robotic fashion, when in reality, they were impatient, combative and surly imps as you would find running in any ghetto. Obama's children share these robotic mannerisms as they are fawned over by the liberal media.

I knew a pastor that did his best to make his bland, uninspiring past experiences sound like he in fact ran the world. He lied about military service. He lied about previous employment. He served a whopping two and 1/2 years as a part time youth minister, his only exposure to paid ministerial service in his whole life. In fact, when he ran for full time pastor, his total work experience was likely no more than 3 1/2 years, one of those at a hotel, cleaning out A/C vents. Does this match up to a community organizer in the corrupt Chicago area? Maybe. But the comparisons are ironic.

I knew a pastor that once wrangled his way into a speaking spot at the SBC convention. Known for pestering, begging, and pleading until he got his way, one can only suspect that he came up with some long tale in order to acquire this speaking opportunity. And of course, his audience may have been a few people too lazy to get up and move, along with some crickets, but the point is that he never ceased to use the event to his credit whenever possible. Obama once gave a speech at the Democrat convention 4 years ago that at the time was received by all as "mildly interesting." Apparently, he spoke well, but his content was suspect, trite, and thin, much like the pastor.

I knew a pastor who never let an opportunity to exalt himself slide by. He was obsessed with appearing "pastoral." Obama's white columns and his non-existent "office of the president-elect" were similar attempts to appear presidential long before he actually was. Even his limo, with extra thick bullet proof glass and reinforced doors, is an attempt to make him look more important and valuable. The pastor continually reminded his audience that he was, in fact, their pastor, as if they could ever forget. He had to have the lime light at all costs. He diminished others who might out-shine him. Much like Obama, any public appearance brought the opportunity to sound good, look good, as the facades were carefully orchestrated. One wonders if he spent all his free time orchestrating.

Obama has taken office, with precious little experience, a low actual work ethic, and a narrow world view of what he wants. The pastor took his office and immediately began espousing old, tired mantras of pastors past, as that was all he knew to say. His "bold agenda" was a trip down the done it, been there road, well traveled. Obama is nothing more than a liberal hack, pushing the same old liberal agendas of bigger government, more spending, and less appreciation for our illustrious past. Both of these men came into power with nothing left, because getting into power was their whole agenda. There is nothing left over. So once in power, it's a bluff and delay game, trying to look like they belong there, when in actuality, they are scraping by, allowing others under them to continue the work and carry on, while they take credit. Such is the nature of things when those who live for power actually make their run. So much better to have someone pressed to leadership, than those who live for it.

I knew a pastor was totally self-absorbed. He was also a glutton in every respect of the word. His manic behavior was brought on by the rabid quest to satisfy himself in all of life. HIS agenda, HIS time, HIS needs were always at the forefront. Will Obama really lead with the American people in mind, or like Clinton, will he lead with his polls in mind? Like the pastor, he will have to convince the people that he really is for them, when in fact, he sees them as there for HIM. His incessant shoveling of "I love you all's" will work for awhile, but in the end, his lack of presence and availability will cancel out his carping. Will the unwashed, mindless masses finally admit to themselves that the mighty Obama really never did anything for them? Maybe a few. The rest will continue to convince themselves that their pastor/president really was a good man, full of love for them. Why? Because they practice idolatry. Plain and simple. They would rather appeal to another fallible man, than to the all-powerful, all-knowing God who loves them and offers them life.

I knew a pastor, and I believe I also know a president. And I will patiently wait for the day when God removes them from the seat of power they disgrace.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lift Him High!

For Christians, the term "Lift Him High" is used often to refer to exalting Jesus Christ.

For liberals, Democrats, and others who see Barry Obama as some kind of "messiah," the lifting is apparently something that can't be overdone.

From his first speech at the Democratic convention, to this inaugural day, the Obama worshippers are making a fundamentally flawed mistake that WILL end in ruin, both for their pseudo leader, and for their dreams attached flimsily to him. NO man or woman was ever created to be lifted as high as Barry Hussein Obama is being lifted these days. And if history is any teacher at all, those lifted the highest will fall the furthest.

Is the insanely overdone hype of Obama an indicator of problems ahead? What if he was ushered in with little fanfare? Would that give him better odds at "success," as subjective as that is? The case is this -- his severely overwrought hype and fanfare is going to be most damaging in time to his mindless followers, and less damaging to his actual ability to govern. What will hurt him the most, in time, is that he did not dissuade his minions from worshipping him. Instead, he encouraged it with lofty, empty speeches that came from no experience or substance.

But a bigger problems looms on Obama's horizon: his relationship with God. God says that He sets up leaders, and so Obama is in this place and time according to God's plans and purposes, not Obama's campaign. In the history of the world, God has appointed good and bad kings, presidents, and potentates. To be "appointed" is not a guarantee that you are in good standing with God. Me thinks both presidents and pastors need to heed that truth.
No man who says he does not want his daughters burdened with an unwanted pregnancy is then going to polish his halo. But again, being an advocate for killing babies aside, Obama has built his own throne, encouraged the worship of that throne, and has now ascended that edifice. He knows the unwashed masses of hand wringing liberals see him as a savior and messiah, and he does nothing to dissuade them. Ironically, he has taken a few infantile shots at asking for "patience" from his followers, but they don't hear him. They are too busy measuring for their new mansion in the sky to hear anything resembling temperance or common sense.

So I say to all the Obama faithful -- LIFT HIM HIGH! Expect more! Praise his bi-racialness and his excessive lack of experience and his penchant for reading off tele-prompters. Make a HUGE issue of his partial black heritage. Dream dreams of the black community, which makes up a whopping 12% of our total national population (ed. note: the black community was 20% of the population back in the mid 1700's, but don't tell anyone!), taking over this nation built by whites, industrialized by whites, and led primarily by whites, and remaking it in the image of the black community, whatever that may be. But don't make it about race, even though it is ALL about race, at least to those who claim racism cannot reside within their ranks. Why else would a bi-racial man who had a white mamma be claimed as the sole property of the black community? Guess he was just black enough to do.

They're not kidding when they say with great power comes the need for great humility. If Barry actually learns that lesson, he will be transformed into a wholly different person, and that would be good. But what is likely is that he will continue to make speeches high in rhetoric and low in content, blame everything on the 'evil' Bush administration, and continue to ask for patience and understanding as he continues working on the facade he must present in order to fool the people most of the time.

Movie Review: Defiance

To be honest, retelling the stories of the holocaust is a very worthwhile endeavor.

Genocide continues to exist today, and we as a civil society cannot remind ourselves enough of what a crime it is. While many movies have been made over the past 60 years dealing with the ?Nazi-led holocaust, there is still room for one more. There is always another dramatic story waiting to be told. Such is the case with Defiance.

To be honest, this movie does not break any new ground in terms of acting, twists and turns, or score. What really makes it worth watching and compelling is the fact that it is true, or at least derived from true events and major themes. It is shot almost exclusively outdoors, which is refreshing, and the scenery beautiful. Many marginally-known actors are employed, and some that you have never seen before give the best performances. While there are two main characters, it is the many sub-plots and lesser character interaction that gives the movie its best dose of humanity and believability.

Daniel Craig jumps in and out of a Bond-esque character, but overall he comes across as determined yet compassionate. His difficulties with his rival brother are overly contrived and an over-used convention that Hollywood can't give up. His character does evolve in the course of the movie, but does so rather early in, and then levels out. The nature and trials of the Jewish people is represented in usual fashions, however, one particular scene with a Rabbi is moving and thought provoking.

Is it an action movie? Yes, but not as much as you might be led to think by the trailers. Is it a character-driven, emotive film? To a degree, so long as you don't compare it to Shindlers List. Does it tell a compelling story? Absolutely. If you enjoy seeing a story where people overcome great odds, fight for their right to exist, and band together for strength, then you will find this movie a treat.

Top Ten Obamarama

Top Ten Quotes overheard at the Obamarama Inauguration:

10. "Geez! What does a guy have to do to find a plus size port-a-potty around here?!" ~ Michael Moore
9. "John, I swear.....If you don't get your hand off my a$%, I'm gonna smack you into next week!" ~ Nancy Pelosi
8. "Uh, sorry Nancy. I was just trying to 'reach across the aisle.'" ~ John McCain
7. "Hey Nancy, I couldn't help but overhear......can you say that again, but slower, and look in my direction?" ~ Bill Clinton
6. "I'm cold! Why are we here? Who are all these people? Where are my pants?!" ~ Ted Kennedy
5. "So, you boys from out of town? You know, I can awwange a privwate tour of the office if you wuld wike." ~ Bawrney Fwank
4. "No seriously Joe.....anytime you want to see my shotgun collection, you just let me know." ~ Dick Cheney to Joe Biden
3. "Matt? Katie. Fine, thanks. Listen, the crew here has a running bet that Biden uses Crest strips, but I say he's sporting a porcelain grill like me. Do you think you can get close enough to him to find out?" ~ Katie Couric
2. "And one more thing -- that fool better not be gettin all uppety with me or dissin' me for living heah, or I'll bust a cap in his black a_ _!" ~ Michele's mother
1. "Al, he's asked us to turn in our bull horns. I think we're screwed." ~ Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton

Monday, January 12, 2009

Send in the Lions!

How horrible it must have been to see the lions come into the coliseum, run towards you, and begin to rip your flesh apart. All the while, the unwashed masses are screaming in delight at this display of entertainment.

The difference between Rome in 90 AD and today is this -- today they unbelieving, militant unwashed masses yell from their newsrooms and dramatic stages, sans the lions. But the meat eaters may come later.

Please reference the following site, for a brief, incomplete look at who is "feeding the Christians to the lions" in our modern day. What is more shocking than the list is that the list could be 100 points rather than 10, and each of those people or instances cited have hundreds or thousands who watch them, listen to them, and at least in part, agree with them.

A program like Bill Maher's could never have seen the light of day just 40 years ago, and to be truthful, it is on a network and time today that is not exactly prime time. However, despite low ratings, the network keeps him running, even though another of his highly liberal shows was cancelled some years ago due guessed it, low ratings. At least Bill doesn't try to hide his true feelings or pretend to be fair and balanced. He is a bitter man running from God, twisted by his sin and diminished by his attempt to supplant the Creator of all things. Maher's mission is already doomed and defunct, but in the meantime, Christians need to confront people like Bill Maher head to head, and not back down.

Is it time for Christians to take a stand in this increasingly hostile world? Of course it is, and actually, we're a few decades behind already. But what kind of stand? And how, and when? What is the goal, the purpose? What is the standard we are all to raise in defiance to Christian-bashers?

Allow me to make a few observations along with basic strategies that can help the average Christian get started in this quest to beat back the Christian bashers and their agenda to erase Christianity from the landscape.

1. Vote: People that pollsters consider "evangelical Christians" in America number larger than 100,000,000. Keep in mind that this is just a pollsters perspective, and is actually probably pretty low ball. Also keep in mind that non-religious studies indicate that fully 75% of all Americans claim adherence to some kind of Protestant faith. Now imagine this army of Christians flooding the polls and voting en mass, and what a difference that could make. Truly, not all Christians will vote for one party or candidate, but just as true is that most Christians vote, or would vote in a conservative fashion, for a conservative candidate. If the majority of Christians in this country would take the time to vote, liberals and at times, Democrats, wouldn't make it into office very often. Christians can absolutely change the political landscape by just voting as God directs them.

2. Write: Newspapers, TV broadcasters, businesses, congressmen, among others deserve to hear back from the people they portend to serve, and Christians who would write direct, yet decent letters when offended (or emails) could change the minds and affect the programming of these institutions. Why not? Afraid of being bashed? Just watch TV any given time and your Christian values are being totally confronted. Read Newsweek or Time for the same effect. Most local papers are no friends to churches or religious institutions, unless they are Muslim. So there is no reason for Christians not to send in an email or letter stating their case, but be prepared to stand by your convictions and possibly terminate your alliance with the institution. Just remember that senators, TV programmers, various businesses, and publications rarely receive any reputable input from Christians who disagree with their views. All it takes is a few letters to shake things up and affect their decision making processes.

3. Get Informed: Surf the net for sites that keep up with Christian values in the media and society at large. They are plentiful! Pay attention to what political leaders actually say. Watch the news programs that most avoid because they are not "entertaining." Watch Fox news for a more conservative take on any given news story, for beginners. Rent the movie Expelled by Ben Stein and find out why Intelligent Design is banned from most school curriculum. Attend your local PTA meetings. Read your Bible! Find out what you believe, and why, first and foremost.

4. Get confrontational: Jesus said to turn the other cheek, but Jesus also pushed away the angry crowds and walked defiantly through them at times when they threatened to hurt Him. Look it up in the various gospel accounts and find out for yourself. He overturned tables in the temple court. He called out the politically powerful religious leaders in public, scorning them and calling them inflamatory names. He was anything but subtle and timid. You and I are not Jesus, and we do not speak for Him - He speaks for Himself, so we only quote Him and His word, but to think that we need to turn cheeks without ever getting cheeky is just plain naive and useless. Christians are not perfect, and should keep this in mind, but there are people out there who need to be "told" and if we don't do it, no one else will. TELL people that the theory of evolution is just that, a theory, and a stupid one at that. TELL people that saying a public prayer is as American as the flag and apple pie. TELL people (after you have properly informed yourself) that our founding fathers held the Bible tightly and with honor as they began this grand country. TELL people you follow Jesus because all other paths lead to death. And don't ever apologize. Hell hath no fury or power like a Christian who knows that they are both sinful and forgiven.

5. Live it: If most of the TV programs you watch are directly in opposition to your Christian values, stop watching them. Cancel your cable, and tell the provider why! Write the networks and tell them why you won't watch their tripe. If a decent program is available, write the network and tell them why you do watch it. Better yet, read the Bible with your family, and teach yourselves the fundamental truths of the orthodox Christian faith. Go to church. Share your faith. Recognize that any real change in this world will be the result of God's work, and not our own. Live a life such that if a non-believer asks about your personal business, they will find integrity in what you say and do. Be as vocal and as determined as the liberals, gay activitists, and Christian-bashers are. Do it in love, decide what it is you want to accomplish beforehand, keep your head -- but get vocal, get bold, get firm, and get confrontational. Otherwise, the battle is already over.

Those who strive to erase Christianity from our culture are increasingly adamant, militant, and angry in their ways and means. God will deal with them in His own time, but He may well use you and me in that process. The name of Christ has more power to cause a stir (if not outright rage) among the godless masses today as never before. We should seize this opportunity to confront the lost and their desire to bash Christ and show them that the Savior they seek to silence is their only hope. While doing so, it won't hurt to remind them that Christians are people, with feelings, power, and the ability to rearrange their teeth if needed. Just kidding. Maybe.

Friday, January 9, 2009


"History is written by the victors," a famous line used often in history classes and political debates. The author of that line is not known by this writer, but there is a lot of wisdom in those words, especially here in America where on a daily basis, liberal minded people are trying to rewrite our history, misrepresent our present, and shape our future.

I am reading a highly informative and entertaining book by Michael Medved entitled "10 Big Lies About America." Mr. Medved, a noted speaker, author, movie critic, and radio show host, is also an orthodox Jew who happens to be rather conservative in his world view. He is, in my opinion, at his best when he waxes historical and delves into America's past with a penchant for finding the truth about who we are, and how we came about to be this blessed nation. In his most recent book, 10 Lies.., Medved deals with many commonly held misconceptions promoted and believed by liberals, who want to rewrite America's history. Why the rewrite? Because America's true history does not line up with their beliefs, or lack thereof, leaving them the bastard children without a home or voice in the true American fabric.

Dear reader, America is a Christian nation. Definition? Recent studies by non-religious (and decidedly liberal) demographic pollsters indicate that almost 75% of all Americans claim an affiliation with some Protestant religion. About 15% say they have no affiliation with any church or religion, leaving the remaining 10% divided up among those who follow Judaism, Buddhism, and so on. While many Christians fear that upwards of 20% of our population follow Islam, in fact, one study showed an actual following of 0.6%. Wow. Feeling duped? And why do we even think about listening to any whining Muslim who complains about being offended by our Christian views? Anyway, when a country of any size follows one faith system with 75% of the population, it is fair to label that country a _______ nation. Is Turkey a Muslim nation? You bet. Is China a Buddhist nation? Yep, even though there is a significant Islamic presence in China, they are predominately Buddhist.

Not all American's are true followers of Christ, but the rest of the world sees us as a "Christian nation," and the label fits many parameters of definition and thought. We also have a past where many of our founding fathers adhered to Christian principals in their lives and governance. A Christian faith in God, and a reverence for His Word, the Holy Bible, is integral in our laws, wars, beliefs, and standards. Even up to the mid '60's, many states had laws requiring schools to read from the Bible before every school day began. But today, amidst rising crime and shrinking test scores, some schools ban students bringing a Bible with them into school. Progress? Hardly. Rewriting? Yep, and it has gone on long enough.

It is time for Christians to become activists combatants in this war for the soul of America. Christians need to arm themselves with a solid, factual education on our history as a nation, for in that education they will be impressed and empowered by the truth they will find. The book by Michael Medved is a good first start in that quest for truth, among many other great works of our day. The truth is out there, and it's time Christians stepped up, stand up, speak up, and get engaged in the battle with the godless, albeit minority, hordes who wish to hide the truth and prop up lies that resemble their own twisted, ugly hearts and souls.

The good news is this -- conservatives and Christians have no need to try to rewrite any aspect of our blessed history, for it stands as a shining example, for the most part, of what can happen when a people turn to God for guidance and help when forming a democracy based upon freedom, fear for God, and religious principal. That IS our history, so find out for yourself, then get out there and beat that drum in our society without apology. Otherwise, we can sit back, wring our hands, and watch the nasty, godless liberal extremists rewrite their own rendition and lose our nation.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Movie Review: 7 Pounds

What a treat.....a review!

Well, maybe. Movies do fall into the category of pop culture, so here we go with the latest.

7 Pounds is not advertised as a romantic comedy, and accurately so. At least the trailers for this film are honest and pretty informative, without giving away the whole plot. For those of you who may be looking for something totally "out there" and non-conforming, look elsewhere. Why? Well, the plot will be given away in the next paragraph or two, so if you plan to see the movie, read no further. If not, then read on and see what is meant by non-conforming.

Will Smith delivers yet another believable and fairly seasoned performance as Bill (nee, Tim), supposedly an IRS agent who is seeking out certain people, for reasons not entirely revealed or understood early in the film. The trailers, and the actual movie, hint at a need for redemption for Bill, who is clearly troubled and disguising his real intentions, but as the movie unfolds, it is clear that the main character is not malicious. Even with reservations, the average movie watcher will feel comfortable towards Smith's character.

Speaking of redemption, it is a common theme in many movies these days. The not so recent Last Samurai was all about the redemption of a troubled soul, for example. Smith's other serious movie, The Pursuit of Happyness has redemption (and survival) at its core. Rarely can one view a movie that does not have some form of redemptive aspect written into the main theme, or character. 7 Pounds is literally built around it.

What does the average Hollywood writer, producer, or director know about redemption? For that matter, what does anyone really know about it? Christians use the word redemption to describe what God has done to "buy us back" from the penalty of our sins, and to make us new, and to make us His. It infers a title to ownership, as we submit to God's sovereign reign over us in response to His saving us from eternal damnation, as the price of our disobedience, and for placing ourselves on the "throne of our lives," which is idolatry. Such a huge and sweeping definition is way beyond the scope and reach of Hollywood, but curious that a miniature view of this mega-theme is oft repeated in their writings and musings.

7 Pounds is not a feel good movie. Be prepared for that. It has dark undertones, but to its credit, most of the questions that pop up are answered in the end. Maybe the most dark and sad aspect is that, for the main character, redemption is sought in a way that no one, Christian or not, will totally agree with. OK, so a few really lost souls with morbid outlooks will consider the stated design adequate, but no one else will. In all reality, the character of Bill is lost in sorrow, despair, and anguish, and few people so lost would ever conceive of such an elaborate plan that seems outwardly so magnanimous. In fact, sadly -- in our present ego-centric society, few people in similar circumstances as Bills would even consider a need to redeem their actions. Just look to the iconic O.J. for one instance.

We all get torn up over watching someone troubled and broken trying to make amends, but Christians need to look deeper, search further, and think beyond the emotions. 7 Pounds can cause heroic tendencies to swell, but when we consider that only God can truly redeem our sins, or mistakes, our ill effects upon our fellow man, we would do well to look to Him for redemption in our lives and the lives of others, rather than to take matters into our own hands and attempt to affect a change that can truly right the wrongs.

We are really helpless to change our state, and the state of others. This is a small part of the beginning of wisdom, and a common theme that all who have placed their faith in Christ can attest to. Doing good for others and to others is a worthy venture to undertake in life, but being a willing, obedient, and loving servant of the most high God who only can affect redemption, is a far more worthy use of the life He has given us.

Perhaps if Smith's character in this movie had been portrayed as someone who sought true forgiveness from God, and then sought God's will concerning the lives of the others, the movie would taken a very different, and much brighter, path.