Friday, January 9, 2009


"History is written by the victors," a famous line used often in history classes and political debates. The author of that line is not known by this writer, but there is a lot of wisdom in those words, especially here in America where on a daily basis, liberal minded people are trying to rewrite our history, misrepresent our present, and shape our future.

I am reading a highly informative and entertaining book by Michael Medved entitled "10 Big Lies About America." Mr. Medved, a noted speaker, author, movie critic, and radio show host, is also an orthodox Jew who happens to be rather conservative in his world view. He is, in my opinion, at his best when he waxes historical and delves into America's past with a penchant for finding the truth about who we are, and how we came about to be this blessed nation. In his most recent book, 10 Lies.., Medved deals with many commonly held misconceptions promoted and believed by liberals, who want to rewrite America's history. Why the rewrite? Because America's true history does not line up with their beliefs, or lack thereof, leaving them the bastard children without a home or voice in the true American fabric.

Dear reader, America is a Christian nation. Definition? Recent studies by non-religious (and decidedly liberal) demographic pollsters indicate that almost 75% of all Americans claim an affiliation with some Protestant religion. About 15% say they have no affiliation with any church or religion, leaving the remaining 10% divided up among those who follow Judaism, Buddhism, and so on. While many Christians fear that upwards of 20% of our population follow Islam, in fact, one study showed an actual following of 0.6%. Wow. Feeling duped? And why do we even think about listening to any whining Muslim who complains about being offended by our Christian views? Anyway, when a country of any size follows one faith system with 75% of the population, it is fair to label that country a _______ nation. Is Turkey a Muslim nation? You bet. Is China a Buddhist nation? Yep, even though there is a significant Islamic presence in China, they are predominately Buddhist.

Not all American's are true followers of Christ, but the rest of the world sees us as a "Christian nation," and the label fits many parameters of definition and thought. We also have a past where many of our founding fathers adhered to Christian principals in their lives and governance. A Christian faith in God, and a reverence for His Word, the Holy Bible, is integral in our laws, wars, beliefs, and standards. Even up to the mid '60's, many states had laws requiring schools to read from the Bible before every school day began. But today, amidst rising crime and shrinking test scores, some schools ban students bringing a Bible with them into school. Progress? Hardly. Rewriting? Yep, and it has gone on long enough.

It is time for Christians to become activists combatants in this war for the soul of America. Christians need to arm themselves with a solid, factual education on our history as a nation, for in that education they will be impressed and empowered by the truth they will find. The book by Michael Medved is a good first start in that quest for truth, among many other great works of our day. The truth is out there, and it's time Christians stepped up, stand up, speak up, and get engaged in the battle with the godless, albeit minority, hordes who wish to hide the truth and prop up lies that resemble their own twisted, ugly hearts and souls.

The good news is this -- conservatives and Christians have no need to try to rewrite any aspect of our blessed history, for it stands as a shining example, for the most part, of what can happen when a people turn to God for guidance and help when forming a democracy based upon freedom, fear for God, and religious principal. That IS our history, so find out for yourself, then get out there and beat that drum in our society without apology. Otherwise, we can sit back, wring our hands, and watch the nasty, godless liberal extremists rewrite their own rendition and lose our nation.

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