Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy and Gay?

The Gay agenda in Hollywood is ever increasing in frequency and intensity.

But what exactly is the "gay agenda?"

Almost every group in America, from the NRA to the NEA and even NASA, and all points in between, have been declared to have an agenda, usually by another group that distrusts the other. While it can be rare for an interest group, special cause group, or political group to openly state its obvious and overt agenda, the tree is known by its fruit, eventually, regardless of attempts to mask or water down the specified agenda. So, keeping these points in mind, the question returns.....what is the gay agenda?

The proposed answer here is: "acceptance."

Gay agenda movies are nothing new. The Hollywood machine has churned out such flicks as "The Birdcage," "In and Out," "Brokeback Mountain," and more recently, "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry." But this list is just a sampling. Even "Mrs. Doubtfire" had overt gay agenda markers all through it, masked as a "family film."

In the more recent "Chuck and Larry" film, two men who are obviously not gay pretend to be so, in order to break the law and supposedly secure financial security for one of the fire fighters. The premise falls flat on its face immediately when the audience member realizes that all the widower fireman has to do is remarry or leave the force. But oh no, that would not bring about the real cause of the film, which was to attempt to prove that dependant clauses in insurance regulations are "unfair" and sexually slanted. The final court scene is a terribly feeble scene of swinging blindly at the windmills of the gay agenda, in the pathetic hopes of persuading the vast heterosexual community that gay people are not only just like everyone else, but deserve special treatment. Never mind that those two last statements are contradictory, as is the overall gay agenda.

This movie, along with copious speeches, rallies, and articles, are vain attempts, at best, to force the heterosexual community (which by all reasonable estimations make up over 95% of the total human population -- gay biased "studies" notwithstanding) to accept the gay lifestyle as "normal." But do heterosexuals ever feel the need to convince homosexuals to accept the hetero lifestyle? Ever thought of that?

The acceptance the homosexual community is seeking is a temporary, outward based acceptance from the hetero world they live in. The homosexual community is full of confused, angry, bitter, misguided, and conflicted people (male and female) who are not at all at peace within themselves. These individuals may not realize this, but they are hoping that if they can find, or force, acceptance among some in the hetero world, that this will appease their inner conflict and help them cope with the same. Translation? Basically, it's the same trite and useless game anyone struggling with sin (rebellion against God) tries to play to appease the guilt and shame they feel when going against God's laws and commands. It does not matter if the issue is homosexuality, theft, deceit, pride, lust, or any other form of human vice, the wrong way to go is to try to find an excuse for the sin, hoping that some degree of "acceptance" of it among peers will assuage the pain.

The homosexual community is wasting its time with trying to force so called acceptance among the heterosexual world. First of all, even the most liberal of hetero's out there inwardly find homosexuality a weird curiosity at best, and repugnant at worst. Secondly, any outward acceptance will not translate to inner peace. Thirdly, anyone who disagrees with human sin and sides with Godly mandates is neither ignorant nor a hate monger....provided they do so with the painful awareness of their own utter depravity before a holy God. Finally, as with all sin, there is a way to find inner peace, but this can only begin by facing the one and only God, and we do this by accepting as our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ alone has paid the price for our sins and made us right before God. He alone can set us free from the penalty of our sin and secure for us an eternal home with God.

We all waste so much time trying to cover our sins, re-translate our sins, and doctor our sins, hurting and turning on each other in the process. There can be no happiness in our lives until we have peace with God, accepting His laws and commands as He has stated them Himself, realizing that all His laws are good and there for our good. With God, it's all about the relationship, and He has done all the work necessary for us to have a right relationship with Him. He is the Master and we are the servants; He is the King, and we are His subjects. Until we get in line with this reality, we will have no peace, regardless of our best errant efforts.

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