Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Audacity of Dope

How Stupid Do Democrats Think We Are?

To be blunt, Barry Obama was trotted out for the masses precisely because he was black (OK, "bi-racial"), unknown, unproven (no real track record), and young-ish. Apparently, after looking at Teddy Kennedy, they also thought Barry (his real name before his Islamic step father changed it to Barak) was decent looking. Think of him as an unexpected strategy designed to catch the opposition off guard. Well, they must really think everyone else is a dope, because Barry's racial views, his highly liberal voting record, his incredibly freshman position in politics, and his lack of depth or thought on any subject other than getting elected have all amounted to a big fat dull thud with everyone in America, other than the most left winged of liberals.

But alas, a strategy concocted by those bastions of liberal-land has begun to unravel. Barry's poll numbers have actually gone down during the grand celebration of godless depravity that is the Democrat Convention. Seems as Americans are finally looking deeper into this Barry character, they are finding less substance, and more liberalism. They are beginning to see him as a front man for the liberal machine that wants to move government from "of the people, by the people, and for the people" to something more akin to "to rule over the people." Universal health care, increased taxes upon the oil industry, no drilling in ANWAR, and withdrawal from Iraq doesn't jive well with Americans who know that we run on oil and need to develop more of it ourselves, and those who know we are continuing to win the war on terror in the middle east and so we should remain there for some time to come.

But the Dem's want to WIN, and they want to win bad. And that's about it. Bash the conservatives, win the white house, and then sit back, relax, and enjoy the spoils that come from our tax dollars. Oh, and sit around and listen to old Fleetwood Mac tracks. Don't stop thinking about tomorrow.

Barry is sucking wind, just like he sucked on the platform at Saddleback when Rick Warren asked the questions of the two candidates that most all Americans care about. The fact that it occurred in a church that doesn't bash America or whites must have thrown off Barry's timing. He seemed rattled, out of sorts, and stuttering more than usual. There are postings all over the web citing the candidates responses, so go back and look at the stark contrast between an older man who knows who he is and what he believes, and Barry, the dude who has to ask his wife what he believes, or Teddy Kennedy, if he can ever catch him sober. He probably doesn't ask the right reverend Jeremiah A. Wright, as they are still spitting at each other after JAWs was thrown under the bus. Seems Hillary climbed back out from under the bus, dusted herself off, and made her acceptance speech for 2012. Like little Chuckie, she just won't go away. Maybe Barry can employ her as his maid if he gets into the big house. Movin' on up, yall.

Barry Obamer is a front man. He's a paper tiger floated out there to try to stir interest in excessively liberal ideals that are hubbed around victimization, no rules, no fault, and no soul. John Frankenstein Kerry had no soul either, and so he was the perfect poster child for the Democrats. AlGore's soul is captured in the trees surrounding his palacial palace that is about as "green" as the '69 Chrysler New Yorker with a 440 and a 6 pack. Barry's soul is kept in a jar by Michele O. along with some other diminutive parts Barry no longer needs or asks for. After all, he's so busy running for president, he hasn't had time to stop and think about issues like the size of Iran or the socialist agenda of Russia. And as a front man, Barry shouldn't have to think about substantial issues anyway, cause he's just here for window decoration. Win the white house with words and speeches and blackness and "hope and change" and we'll figure out all that run-the-country stuff later, right?

Democrats need the American public to be two things in order to be successful: possess a sense of victimization, and stupid. Well, REAL Americans are not victims, but overcomers, and they certainly are not stupid. Sure, there are some truly godless, whining liberals of all races that want juice sucking, baby killing, dope smoking people in office (did Teddy just wake up?), and sure, there are some members of our largely-non-voting minorities who get all giddy thinking about "finally" (whatever that means.....oh, wait, there's that whole "owing" thing) having a bi-racial president, but overall, America is not made of of this kind of sewer swilling scum. Rather, most Americans are white, conservative, church attending, responsible people who live in smaller towns, pay high taxes, help their neighbors, don't like abortion, and respect the flag and this country. And Barry aint like them folks in any practical way. Not even close.

Our government is a republic, where elected leaders are supposed to represent the people, and their best interests. Barry O. represents people who are hostile towards God and religion, who want the government to run their lives, and yet they eschew any form of restraint or rules upon their lives, and who truly believe that life is a relative term based upon changing views of viability and value. Therefore, Barry might win an election in France, but hopefully not here.

If he does, take that as a sure sign that America has lost its soul, its foundation, and its way. In that scenario, just pray that God will use ol Barry to punish us back into a sane way of thinking and a truly conservative movement so that we can rediscover our roots (sorry Alex Haley, but certainly not THOSE roots).

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