Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barry the Rock Star

What kind of Americans want a "rock star" for president?

The kind that voted for John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and who will vote for Barry Barack Hussein Obama in November. Maybe.

First, define a "rock star," as that term is used in politics. In political circles, the rock star persona is one where a candidate has the supposed ability and alleged power to inspire and instill awe without proven substance. When the Beatles hit the teen scene in America, their musical and vocal acumen was, well, amateurish at best. They sounded like any teen band in a garage with cut rate instruments and vocals practiced in the shower. But what they had going for them were some slightly different haircuts, an unusual accent, and a style of music that was as candy cane pop as it could be. In short - they looked and sounded just different enough to draw attention. And that attention snowballed, got a ton of press coverage, and that was the end of it. Slap their faces on a few billboards or magazine covers and teens began to melt, cry, and flail as if aliens had come and brought a new universe to earth. Well, ol' Barry is riding that same kind of irrational, unthinking wave that influences the weaker minds of our society, but how far will it take him?

Rock stars rarely depend upon substance for survival. Rather, they depend upon shock and awe, being different, being visible yet aloof, known yet mysterious. They live or die upon the skills of their PR person, rather than their talent, or lack thereof. They "inspire" by shouting mantra's that defy the current power grid and establishment, whatever that may be. Rock stars don't have to be informed, intelligent, or possess integrity. They must merely tap into the emotions of people who are easily influenced and rarely lead. They are here today, gone tomorrow, as their temporary relevance is quickly replaced by irrational things like reality and pragmatics.

Bob Dylan was a rock star. As different as different could be. Everyone had to read the lyrics printed on his album covers to know what he was saying. Same today. Even then, what was the point again? Oh yeah, you had to be stoned for it to make sense. Smart.

Kurt Cobain was a rock star. Refer to Dylan for comments on his communication problems. A true crack head who hated himself, life in general, and loved to sing about it. Dead, gone, forgotten. A few "dudes" who surf while smoking 'weed still think he was a idol.

JFK was a rock star. Young, good looking if you think a Pug is a cute dog. Attractive wife, Catholic, and from a political family loved in one or two states. Spoke about as well as any high school teacher, and experienced at womanizing, drinking, and swearing. He spoke of change, high ideals, and basically accomplished nothing. Getting shot was a horrible moment in American history but dying as an assassinated president was the only way he was going to be immortalized. His legacy was some decent speeches low in content and high in rhetoric, and getting shot.

William Billy boy Clinton, aka "slick willy," was a rock star, albeit an older and pudgier one. He orated well enough for a country hick from Ark-ansas who cheated his way through an ivy league college, but ol Bill just couldn't ever come up with more than biting his lower lip and pushing his thumb out towards the audience. Billy rode the wave the Reagan started and Bush-1 created, for all 8 of his unflattering years. His interest in cigars was far greater than anything in the middle east, and even when caught lying dozens of times, his adoring fans cried fouls and mistreatment.

Tonight, Barry Obama gave a rock star speech in Denver. Those adherents of liberalism declared that his speech tonight would forever silence his detractors who said that he has been tall on empty rhetoric and short on substance. So, he "bravely" added even more grandiose verbiage declaring that all children will be given free education (like already exists today, even for children of illegal aliens) and free health care (like already exists today, as no hospital can refuse care to anyone anywhere) and.....wait for it.........lower taxes. Well, ahem, that one was surely a curve ball the DNC allowed to cause a few blinks. But you get the point.

Barry declared all the things that Democrats always declare when they want the white house back: Americans are destitute, poor, uneducated, unable to get health care, unable to send their kids to college, and unable to drive their cars. They have to persuade Americans that they are victims and the Democrats are the only one's who care. Without a victim mentality, Democrats cannot win. Unless they convince the Americans who squander their money, misuse their time, whine and complain about everything, and always blame someone else for their problems, they cannot gain a single vote. Democrats must perpetrate misery and doom and gloom for their very survival. And BHO's speech went right through that party play book page by page.

And his wife looks like an angry piranha with an ever present dip of snuff in the lower lip. There. It had to be said.

Does America need or want a rock star president? Well, some do, but they are the ones who believe that "the rich" (anyone with more money than them) must be punished for being rich, that babies unwanted must be murdered, that drugs should be legalized, that evolution must be taught with religious zeal, that Christians should shut up and go away, that America must socalize in order to get ahead, and that everyone should be equal, yet totally independent and able to do whatever they want when they want, without anyone telling them what to do. Except for Christians, who need to shut up.
Does American need a rock star president? No. America needs what it has always needed in a president, and that is someone who is experienced in terms of education and life, someone with strong principals and convictions, and someone who is more devoted to this country than they are to their party or themselves.

Steven Tyler would make a horrible president. Andy Griffith would make a great one. 'Nuff said.

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