Monday, October 27, 2008

A Good Scrap

Ever wonder what politicians do when it's not an election year?

Maybe they fight, call each other names, or maybe they get along. Unless you are willing to watch C-Span, you will likely not hear much about or from your Senator or Congressman. If you are willing to watch C-Span, you will likely hear long, boring speeches on subjects like a proposal to modify a proposal on making proposals during leap years.

Back to what politicians do when they are not running for an office - every citizen must wonder from time to time, but sadly, most of us think more about where to eat out or what movie is playing than what our representatives are doing who are actually elected and charged with the responsibility of representing you and I. It is this lack of scrutiny and accountability that allows them to remain virtually hidden until the press is bored and desires to pick on someone (usually a Republican, go figure) or they sponsor some bill that is relevant enough to warrant coverage.

But the question remains....when not running for an office, or re-election, do politicians fight and call each other names and get testy when they are safe and sound and elected? The answer -- is yes. But once they are elected and seated, their fight is one that is more analogous to tug of war, rather than mud slinging. It's dodge and perry, thrust and jab, hit and run, joust and jump, and negotiate, often behind "closed doors" where palm greasing and pocket lining rules the day. The party in majority may be far more concerned with keeping power than using it to advance their agenda, and the party in the minority often looks for kinks in their armor, or they just sit back, take the scraps they can get, and hope the powers that be make a big mistake they can capitalize on later. It is so much like chess, you'd think they would paint the floor of the senate in black and white blocks.

A bigger question than 'do they fight' may they fight for their principals and agendas, or do they fight just because they are on opposite sides?

We all know that private citizens get riled up for their chosen party, often engaging in heated debates with those who disagree with them. Clubs, churches, bars, even schools can be highly centered around a certain political party affiliation. Whether we call ourselves a liberal or conservative can make a huge difference in who we talk to, where we go, and how we spend. It can also spark debates so hot you could cook on them. But do the actual politicians have these same highly charged, biased feelings too? Do they really try to advance their staunchly held beliefs, or do they walk into their group meetings and deal with the opposite party with kid gloves, a random scowl, and end the day with a back slap and a good laugh? One wonders.

Football fans can sometimes be set off by seeing members of the opposing team shake hands, smile, hug, and even have prayer after a hard fought game. Of course, the actual players are far more tired than the spectators, so all they might want to do is talk a moment and lean on each other, but the rabid fan is still shouting and carrying on in the living room, livid at such a display. Makes you wonder if the guys on the field have a much better grasp of the notion "it's just a game" than does the fan.

Do they guys and gals in our senate and congress have a similar perspective? Do they know that name calling, fighting, and fierce anger only slows things down? Is their 'game' more cloak and dagger, forcing them to pretend, or actually get along, make deals, concessions, and coalitions in order to get any work done? If this were so, would the average citizen be sickened by this revelation, or would they be enlightened? Can it be that the actual politicians act like professional ball players when no one is looking, but resort to acting like the fans when they are looking?

I don't know about you, but I want any so-called conservative representative to be conservative to the core, always fighting out of principal, but doing so with a suave and methodical demeanor. I would rather have a conservative senator who fights in vain, than to have one that only pretends to fight as they attempt to hide their weak constitution. Similarly, I want liberal politicians to be liberal across the board, unless they are truly double minded, which, in either case, their leanings will get them out of office. It is said that nature abhors a vacuum, and in politics, the public abhors someone who tries to be two faced. Either be conservative, or liberal, but don't try to ride the fence. Most of the public does not reside in that magic "middle" the press pretends is there, and Joe Liberman can tell you much about that desolate waste land. George W. may be able to speak to it soon.

The fight in our nations senate halls is not over legislation and bills, it is over world views and the outcome of those world views as they are reflected within legislation and bills. The left-wing liberals do not want to mix conservative views with their own -- they want purity in their godless, chaotic intentions and abhor Republicans who hold to standard conservatism. For liberals, it is a fight to the death, and no quarter is afforded their intended victims. It is about time conservative Republicans took the same approach, and stood large and in charge for their principals that do not need or warrant any liberalism in them. It may sound counter intuitive, but we as a republic are far better off with highly principled representatives who hold fiercely to their respective conservative or liberal views, than with politicians whose only fight is to remain a politician.

I believe America is still largely conservative in their views and principals, but that may not always be the case. Americans are far more interested in being entertained than in being free and responsible, and when the populace is lead by limp wristed, middle of the road politicians, it is no wonder so many citizens are tuned out to politics as a whole. But give the masses a politician who is decidedly left or right, and suddenly, they get involved, listen up, and choose sides, which is a good thing for all. Why do we have 40 and sometimes 50% turnout for elections? Because the middle-roader, bottom feeding politicians neither lead nor inspire as they seek only to appease and remain in office. How do we increase voter turnout? Run a candidate who takes a decided stand, be it liberal or conservative, and let them be consistent in their views and principals. Look no further than Ronald Reagan to see what happens when a presidential candidate "sticks to their guns." He truly won by landslide votes, and he did so being a unapologetic conservative.

Christians ruin their witness by being wishy-washy in their alliances and allegiances. Politicians ruin their opportunities to represent when they seek only to be electable, rather than principled.

BHO (Barak Hussein Obama), in these last few days before the election, is FINALLY being called out as the extreme left wing liberal that he is. His Achilles heel is that he, like all liberals, is trying to hide it before the election. John McCain has been consistently a middle-roader, which by definition as per this article, is a losing proposition with the public. His saving grace is two fold: he doesn't hide his vanilla/chocolate demeanor, and he brought on a decidedly conservative running mate.

Will the citizens of this great country cover their eyes and elect a wolf in sheep's clothing, or will they vote for a guy who is a middle-roader, albeit a honest one? It's hard to say, but if nothing else is learned in this election cycle, hopefully it will be this -- the party that hopes to win in the future had better decide which end of the moral and political spectrum they are on, accept it, and stick to it, or else the citizens will revolt until they do. And that is fine. There IS right and wrong, black and white, conservative and liberal, and there always should be. The "middle" is for art teachers, florists, and weenies. Make up your mind! Take a stand! Be committed! And then, welcome a good scrap.

Jesus said a man cannot have total allegiance to both God and material wealth. Can't be double minded. Choose life, or death. I think God knows what He is talking about.

And by the way......conservative principals are the ONLY principals that will bring peace, prosperity, and passion back to this country.

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