Sunday, November 2, 2008

Blinded by the Black-Light

Can black Americans see beyond Obama's skin color?

Among whites, there is a strong opinion that portends that black Americans will vote for Obama simply because he is bi-racial. The fact that his physical appearance mostly resembles his African heritage is a bonus. The fact that he is a Democrat is icing on the cake.

To make this scenario far more interesting, let's pretend that Obama is a big time conservative Republican. There is every reason to believe that we as a nation have arrived at a place where such a scenario would rock the black American community far more than the conservative Republican community, replete with heated riffs and consternation.

But back in reality-land, Obama is bi-racial, albeit rarely ever called so, and his minions in the mainstream media just casually call him "black" as if there is no white race in him at all. How the black American community was able to claim him all to their selves is a mystery greater than the Bermuda triangle. But before we digress, the question remains, can black Americans see beyond Obama's skin tone?

Chris Rock, that foul mouthed "comedian" that has a set of teeth that would make Secretariat envious, claims that black people have to see more in a candidate than their skin color. Amidst lots of cussing and pacing like a crack-addict, he went on to say that no black person will automatically vote for Obama purely due to his being 'black' (Chris apparently didn't want to slow down his act by saying "bi-racial"). Chris Rock is an idiot, but apparently, dumb enough to actually think anyone would buy his sack of garbage.

The black American community is out and out agog over Obama. After decades and even a century of repeating the oppressed and suppressed mantra (some of which was very accurate and needed back in the day), the black community sees Obama as the second coming of sorts, a full-on ephipahany of a new time when blacks in America are fully venerated, recognized, and large and in charge. For the black community, having a bi-racial president is tantamount to Christians seeing Christ come back in the clouds. No irreverence to the Lord is suggested or condoned in that statement, but rather, it is worded that strongly because the truth about how Obama is seen needs to be exposed and see for what it is in the black community.

Obama has the most liberal voting record in the whole senate. He is the least experienced candidate the Democraps have run, next to Hillary, who still wears her bus tire marks well. Think of the past decade, the Dems have run a tree stump, then FrankenHeinz, and now, a socialist who openly supports killing babies in the womb, and without. Sheer lunacy? Apparently not, as Gore lost by a slim margin, and Kerry, by almost as little. Scary stuff. One would think Hitler could be put up and win in this climate. Maybe he has been, in a manner of speaking.

Obama has associations with lots of people who do not like America very much, or at least, not white America. Yep, it's been said, and it stands. Folks like Obama think that America is a very hateful, wicked country that has oppressed minorities and doesn't want to share it's wealth and promise with anyone but those with porcelain skin tones. His banner of "Change" is clearly understood by the crowds that also feel that it's about time that white America finally handed over the keys to the "vast" minorities that make up fully 1/3 (or less, according to actual census bureau findings, to the behest of many), and got out of the way. Change indeed. A "black" president. A new future of wealth, privilege, and power to 10% of our nations population. A population segment that fully believes that their "savior" has arrived, and will set all things right.

Seems as if the Bible gives us a modern day analogy to this situation. Go back to A.D. 2, when the Jewish nation was held under the thumb of a very powerful Roman empire. Sure, the Jewish people could buy and sell, marry who they wanted, and sure, they enjoyed the benefits of being under Roman dominion -- great roads, infrastructure, protection from marauding countries, and so on, but they didn't like Romans very much because they saw them as inferior. Oppressors. Infidels. The Jews wanted to be rid of the Roman presence, regardless of the consequences. The fact that their prophets of old foretold of a coming Savior who would free them was their constant hope. For their problems, all the Jews could see was ROME. For all their solutions, all the Jews could see was a militant Savior who would free them from Rome. They had tunnel vision, if you will, and their handed-down hatred of Rome skewed their view of what God was foretelling.

It's always been a mystery why a race of people who have been truly demonized and hated like the Jews don't get more respect from an ethnic group like black Americans. Could be a lot of reasons, but likely, the most plausible is that once a group of people convince themselves that they are victims once and for all, there is no more objectivity. Maybe this is why the black American community sees Obama as a 'messiah' for them, a symbol of restitution and revenge upon their repression and ill treatment, as they have told themselves. If such a view is held as strongly and adamantly as is suspected, no objectivity can be found. In that light, Obama MUST be elected, must rise to power, and must set right all the wrongs American has harbored for all of its history.

The Jews of the first century turned upon the actual Messiah once they found out that He did not represent a change of power and finances for them. His message and mission was far more eternal in nature, but that didn't matter to those who were blinded by hate and a sense of victimization.
The black American community may have a lesson to learn from the Jewish community, as they place all their hopes and dreams upon a man who is bi-racial, liberal, and holds to failed socialist ideals as his main tools for 'changing' America. His flaws and shortcomings are great, but maybe the greatest is that he eschews completely the very foundations this great country was built upon. He is fueled by godless ideology and resentment, and his only end, if he continues this path, is not a good one. Even if he wins the election, his immoral views and penchant for deceit will take him places he definitely does not want to go. And standing in the smoke of his descent will be millions of disillusioned 'victims' who will likely defend his demise, with no apology and little sanity.

America was founded upon Christian principals, a strong belief in God, a strong dream for freedom, responsibility and morality, and hard work, sacrifice, and determination. Our country has defended herself at a great price from true oppressors and dictators who had no desire for God nor democracy, and all along the way, has been the number one contributor of aid and comfort to others who were downtrodden and mistreated. Even though we have a history of abiding slavery, thousands who could have owned slaves back in that day refused to do so, and at great expense to themselves, fought to eradicate slavery from our land. We fought a bloody civil war in part, to defeat slavery. Never mind that the slave trade was minimal in the Americas compared to Portugal and Spain, even in Britain. And don't even mention that slavery of millions of blacks still occurs in the continent of Africa today. The fact is, the world is trying to get into America, not to get out. Not one black American has ever said "enough!" and moved back to Africa to find a better life and opportunities. There is no other country with more of what is good and desireable to the human race.

Obama wants to change that. He would remake America in his image, and he may be given his chance. As sad as that is, what is even more sad is that like the Jews of old, there is another race of people here who will defend his actions to the death, based upon his skin tone, and the supposed ties that has with their need for recompense and revenge.

The fact that he even has a slight chance should cause us all to pray for Gods mercy.

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