Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Pain with Palin

Why has Sarah Palin gotten such a huge response?

The answer to that question depends upon many defining factors, such as, who is asking, and what "huge" means, and who is responding, and how.

Sarah Palin, the last team member to enter into the official presidential race, is a reasonably conservative, reasonably young, reasonably intelligent woman from a fairly small town in Alaska. She has a reasonably average family, with 5 kids and a working husband. She has gotten involved in politics - first on the local level - and then quickly rising to the state level as Alaska's Governor. Her life seems to indicate a smart woman who has taken some risks and has enjoyed some successes in her personal and public life.

That's the stuff basically everyone in America knows. So what about this flurry of interest?

From the conservative, Republican view, Sarah Palin is a genuine surprise, especially for John McCain to select. Just when conservative loyalists were sweating a possible "maverick" selection of a left wing VP, McCain blows everyone out of the water with the Palin pick. Suddenly, within 24 hours, the conservative base that was reluctant to even pull for McCain is now jumping for joy and energized for this ticket.


Conservatives have never had a strong image woman to vote for in their history. Palin is also a tough nut who has actually lived some of the promises conservatives always make. She exemplifies a "can do" attitude towards life and by all appearances is well spoken, intelligent, up-beat and practical. Conservative men like her for those reasons, and for being attractive. Conservative women like her for those reasons, and for being an attractive, ambitious, yet motherly woman. It's really a no lose situation for conservatives, who were looking for a way to get behind McCain. If Joe Liberman had been running for the democratic party, and if McCain had picked a left wing woman as his VP, Liberman likely would have received 50% of conservative votes. Thanks goodness that didn't happen.

But what about the left?

Well, here is where the WAR is breaking out.

To speak about the response of the left, those liberal wingers who are becoming ever more militant in promoting their worldview, one must also include the mainstream media, as they walk hand in hand together, and have done so for many decades now. So let's speak to them as one in this short discussion.

The Sarah Palin selection (announcement) blind-sided the left like nothing in recent history. The timing and the choice were both used so well, that history books should refer to this situation as the "sack of the century," if put into football terms. NO ONE on the left saw it coming. In fact, the "drive-by media" (thanks Rush) was so taken off guard, they didn't begin to whine about it for at least two days, and then, it happened on a weekend, when most of the liberal media is out in the Hampton's drinking like a Kennedy and eating lobster like Hanks.

"How dare McCain pick someone like Palin, and not let us know?!" Apparently, the left thought that McCain would surely not make such a conservative, smart move, given his penchant for snoodling the media in the past. They thought they had him in their pocket, and they thought surely with a moderate or liberal pick for VP, McCain would lose with dignity, but lose. But oh boy, along comes a conservative woman from Alaska? One can imagine hearing all those martini glasses hitting the expensive tile floors simultaneously.

If this were a courtroom drama, it would be the defendant pulling out a lone eye witness from the weeds with an air-tight alibi. Cries of "foul! foul!" notwithstanding, it was a brilliant move that has a second wave effect that must also have been brilliantly conceived...... the left, politicians and media alike, are having to scramble so quickly to destroy Palin, that they are running amok, conflicting one another, postulating impossibly deceitful lies, and throwing smear so haphazardly, that they are exposing themselves for the conflicted, moral-less imps that they are. It's a beautiful thing to witness.

One caveat though -- the right wing radio media need to back up a bit and take a breath. They are being so defensive, and getting so easily drawn into the immature tactics and attacks of the left, that they are in danger of losing their focus. Rather than try to answer every stupid attack thrown by the left, they need to push Palin's accomplishments, admit to her relative weaknesses, and just celebrate the fact that her amazing acceptance is based upon her lifestyle and conservative worldview. Period.

Christians are wise to recognize that people who are not Christians will not act like Christians. The point? Why should Christians be surprised when non-Christians have and live out a world view that is decidedly non-Christian? The same is true for conservative and liberal camps -- a person in one will not act like the other, or at least, they will not think alike.

The difference is their world view. Conservatives typically have a worldview that places a big emphasis upon faith, personal responsibility, family, life, and high moral standards. Liberals typically have a world view that emphasizes personal choice, moral relativism, secular leanings, and anti-rules attitudes. So much more could be written to distinguish the differences, but for anyone on the left to think that someone on the right will think like them, is impossibly naive.

Today, liberals in politics and in the media are beside themselves, worrying about the positive impact Palin has had on the right, and yet, they seem incredulous that the right will not accept their basis for their arguments against her. In fact, the left media is making a big deal of their worldview that anyone who is to get anywhere in politics, must pass through their "gates" first. The arrogance in that truth alone is staggering. The media in this country (which is almost completely gangly liberal) is due for a huge awakening, and belittling.

Conservatives are so happy with Palin, that they are in danger of defending their views with fluff rather than stuff. Liberals are so threatened by Palin (and disgusted with McCain for making such a right winged swing) that they are in danger of exposing exactly what they are -- and that is a group of people who have no moral center, no respect for God, and no love for the founding principals upon which this country was founded.

Never before in history have these two world views (which have been around for centuries) been so clearly defined, and so far away from each other in Americana. The idea that most Americans fall somewhere in the middle in terms of politics has always been a pile of dung. America was founded upon conservative principals, and today, American is largely conservative in most arenas of life, regardless of what Katie Couric thinks (she recently recited numerous times that in her opinion, most Americans are Democrats). Maybe Couric needs to travel a little further away from NYC and visit some homes and farms in middle America, where most of our population actually lives.

Anywho, the two sides are moving apart, and that is probably a good thing. Life cannot exist in some mythical happy middle. People are naturally inclined to choose, not compromise, and yet another time of choice is upon us.

Barry Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim-loving nobody from the Chicago underworld, or John McCain, a proven war hero who is a typical hard headed, independent American. Will the VP's make the difference? Will the liberal, godless media prevail in swaying public opinion? Will Barry O. ever figure out how to speak without stuttering without a teleprompter? Will Palin hop on a snowmobile with a shotgun and ride into Washington, and begin cleaning house? Will O'Biden ever get his teeth white enough to glow in the dark?

Tune in this November 4th to find out!

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