Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Knew A Pastor

Actually, I worked with a pastor who shares many things in common with our current president.

I knew a pastor who had a very vague, non-descript past, little real experience, and then made a leap to the highest office "in the land," as it was. His family history and ties were hard to determine, as his story changed from day to day. In fact, much like Obama, he rarely talked specifics about his family at all. He has sisters he never mentioned. Obama has a half-brother that still lives in a hut to this day in Kenya. The pastor painted a humble and lowly picture of his upbringing, and yet, his step father was very wealthy. The larger the audience, the more humble he tried to make his childhood sound.

I knew a pastor that paraded his immediate family (wife and kids) around at every opportunity. Fake, glowing public displays of family togetherness were used whenever possible. As if directed, his wife would make an entrance, or speak as if from a strict script, in a way that seemed totally premeditated. His children would wave and smile in a robotic fashion, when in reality, they were impatient, combative and surly imps as you would find running in any ghetto. Obama's children share these robotic mannerisms as they are fawned over by the liberal media.

I knew a pastor that did his best to make his bland, uninspiring past experiences sound like he in fact ran the world. He lied about military service. He lied about previous employment. He served a whopping two and 1/2 years as a part time youth minister, his only exposure to paid ministerial service in his whole life. In fact, when he ran for full time pastor, his total work experience was likely no more than 3 1/2 years, one of those at a hotel, cleaning out A/C vents. Does this match up to a community organizer in the corrupt Chicago area? Maybe. But the comparisons are ironic.

I knew a pastor that once wrangled his way into a speaking spot at the SBC convention. Known for pestering, begging, and pleading until he got his way, one can only suspect that he came up with some long tale in order to acquire this speaking opportunity. And of course, his audience may have been a few people too lazy to get up and move, along with some crickets, but the point is that he never ceased to use the event to his credit whenever possible. Obama once gave a speech at the Democrat convention 4 years ago that at the time was received by all as "mildly interesting." Apparently, he spoke well, but his content was suspect, trite, and thin, much like the pastor.

I knew a pastor who never let an opportunity to exalt himself slide by. He was obsessed with appearing "pastoral." Obama's white columns and his non-existent "office of the president-elect" were similar attempts to appear presidential long before he actually was. Even his limo, with extra thick bullet proof glass and reinforced doors, is an attempt to make him look more important and valuable. The pastor continually reminded his audience that he was, in fact, their pastor, as if they could ever forget. He had to have the lime light at all costs. He diminished others who might out-shine him. Much like Obama, any public appearance brought the opportunity to sound good, look good, as the facades were carefully orchestrated. One wonders if he spent all his free time orchestrating.

Obama has taken office, with precious little experience, a low actual work ethic, and a narrow world view of what he wants. The pastor took his office and immediately began espousing old, tired mantras of pastors past, as that was all he knew to say. His "bold agenda" was a trip down the done it, been there road, well traveled. Obama is nothing more than a liberal hack, pushing the same old liberal agendas of bigger government, more spending, and less appreciation for our illustrious past. Both of these men came into power with nothing left, because getting into power was their whole agenda. There is nothing left over. So once in power, it's a bluff and delay game, trying to look like they belong there, when in actuality, they are scraping by, allowing others under them to continue the work and carry on, while they take credit. Such is the nature of things when those who live for power actually make their run. So much better to have someone pressed to leadership, than those who live for it.

I knew a pastor was totally self-absorbed. He was also a glutton in every respect of the word. His manic behavior was brought on by the rabid quest to satisfy himself in all of life. HIS agenda, HIS time, HIS needs were always at the forefront. Will Obama really lead with the American people in mind, or like Clinton, will he lead with his polls in mind? Like the pastor, he will have to convince the people that he really is for them, when in fact, he sees them as there for HIM. His incessant shoveling of "I love you all's" will work for awhile, but in the end, his lack of presence and availability will cancel out his carping. Will the unwashed, mindless masses finally admit to themselves that the mighty Obama really never did anything for them? Maybe a few. The rest will continue to convince themselves that their pastor/president really was a good man, full of love for them. Why? Because they practice idolatry. Plain and simple. They would rather appeal to another fallible man, than to the all-powerful, all-knowing God who loves them and offers them life.

I knew a pastor, and I believe I also know a president. And I will patiently wait for the day when God removes them from the seat of power they disgrace.


Jeff said...

I think I knew a pastor, too...

Good article, Keith. :)

Jess said...

This is possibly your best writing yet!