Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lift Him High!

For Christians, the term "Lift Him High" is used often to refer to exalting Jesus Christ.

For liberals, Democrats, and others who see Barry Obama as some kind of "messiah," the lifting is apparently something that can't be overdone.

From his first speech at the Democratic convention, to this inaugural day, the Obama worshippers are making a fundamentally flawed mistake that WILL end in ruin, both for their pseudo leader, and for their dreams attached flimsily to him. NO man or woman was ever created to be lifted as high as Barry Hussein Obama is being lifted these days. And if history is any teacher at all, those lifted the highest will fall the furthest.

Is the insanely overdone hype of Obama an indicator of problems ahead? What if he was ushered in with little fanfare? Would that give him better odds at "success," as subjective as that is? The case is this -- his severely overwrought hype and fanfare is going to be most damaging in time to his mindless followers, and less damaging to his actual ability to govern. What will hurt him the most, in time, is that he did not dissuade his minions from worshipping him. Instead, he encouraged it with lofty, empty speeches that came from no experience or substance.

But a bigger problems looms on Obama's horizon: his relationship with God. God says that He sets up leaders, and so Obama is in this place and time according to God's plans and purposes, not Obama's campaign. In the history of the world, God has appointed good and bad kings, presidents, and potentates. To be "appointed" is not a guarantee that you are in good standing with God. Me thinks both presidents and pastors need to heed that truth.
No man who says he does not want his daughters burdened with an unwanted pregnancy is then going to polish his halo. But again, being an advocate for killing babies aside, Obama has built his own throne, encouraged the worship of that throne, and has now ascended that edifice. He knows the unwashed masses of hand wringing liberals see him as a savior and messiah, and he does nothing to dissuade them. Ironically, he has taken a few infantile shots at asking for "patience" from his followers, but they don't hear him. They are too busy measuring for their new mansion in the sky to hear anything resembling temperance or common sense.

So I say to all the Obama faithful -- LIFT HIM HIGH! Expect more! Praise his bi-racialness and his excessive lack of experience and his penchant for reading off tele-prompters. Make a HUGE issue of his partial black heritage. Dream dreams of the black community, which makes up a whopping 12% of our total national population (ed. note: the black community was 20% of the population back in the mid 1700's, but don't tell anyone!), taking over this nation built by whites, industrialized by whites, and led primarily by whites, and remaking it in the image of the black community, whatever that may be. But don't make it about race, even though it is ALL about race, at least to those who claim racism cannot reside within their ranks. Why else would a bi-racial man who had a white mamma be claimed as the sole property of the black community? Guess he was just black enough to do.

They're not kidding when they say with great power comes the need for great humility. If Barry actually learns that lesson, he will be transformed into a wholly different person, and that would be good. But what is likely is that he will continue to make speeches high in rhetoric and low in content, blame everything on the 'evil' Bush administration, and continue to ask for patience and understanding as he continues working on the facade he must present in order to fool the people most of the time.

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