Monday, January 12, 2009

Send in the Lions!

How horrible it must have been to see the lions come into the coliseum, run towards you, and begin to rip your flesh apart. All the while, the unwashed masses are screaming in delight at this display of entertainment.

The difference between Rome in 90 AD and today is this -- today they unbelieving, militant unwashed masses yell from their newsrooms and dramatic stages, sans the lions. But the meat eaters may come later.

Please reference the following site, for a brief, incomplete look at who is "feeding the Christians to the lions" in our modern day. What is more shocking than the list is that the list could be 100 points rather than 10, and each of those people or instances cited have hundreds or thousands who watch them, listen to them, and at least in part, agree with them.

A program like Bill Maher's could never have seen the light of day just 40 years ago, and to be truthful, it is on a network and time today that is not exactly prime time. However, despite low ratings, the network keeps him running, even though another of his highly liberal shows was cancelled some years ago due guessed it, low ratings. At least Bill doesn't try to hide his true feelings or pretend to be fair and balanced. He is a bitter man running from God, twisted by his sin and diminished by his attempt to supplant the Creator of all things. Maher's mission is already doomed and defunct, but in the meantime, Christians need to confront people like Bill Maher head to head, and not back down.

Is it time for Christians to take a stand in this increasingly hostile world? Of course it is, and actually, we're a few decades behind already. But what kind of stand? And how, and when? What is the goal, the purpose? What is the standard we are all to raise in defiance to Christian-bashers?

Allow me to make a few observations along with basic strategies that can help the average Christian get started in this quest to beat back the Christian bashers and their agenda to erase Christianity from the landscape.

1. Vote: People that pollsters consider "evangelical Christians" in America number larger than 100,000,000. Keep in mind that this is just a pollsters perspective, and is actually probably pretty low ball. Also keep in mind that non-religious studies indicate that fully 75% of all Americans claim adherence to some kind of Protestant faith. Now imagine this army of Christians flooding the polls and voting en mass, and what a difference that could make. Truly, not all Christians will vote for one party or candidate, but just as true is that most Christians vote, or would vote in a conservative fashion, for a conservative candidate. If the majority of Christians in this country would take the time to vote, liberals and at times, Democrats, wouldn't make it into office very often. Christians can absolutely change the political landscape by just voting as God directs them.

2. Write: Newspapers, TV broadcasters, businesses, congressmen, among others deserve to hear back from the people they portend to serve, and Christians who would write direct, yet decent letters when offended (or emails) could change the minds and affect the programming of these institutions. Why not? Afraid of being bashed? Just watch TV any given time and your Christian values are being totally confronted. Read Newsweek or Time for the same effect. Most local papers are no friends to churches or religious institutions, unless they are Muslim. So there is no reason for Christians not to send in an email or letter stating their case, but be prepared to stand by your convictions and possibly terminate your alliance with the institution. Just remember that senators, TV programmers, various businesses, and publications rarely receive any reputable input from Christians who disagree with their views. All it takes is a few letters to shake things up and affect their decision making processes.

3. Get Informed: Surf the net for sites that keep up with Christian values in the media and society at large. They are plentiful! Pay attention to what political leaders actually say. Watch the news programs that most avoid because they are not "entertaining." Watch Fox news for a more conservative take on any given news story, for beginners. Rent the movie Expelled by Ben Stein and find out why Intelligent Design is banned from most school curriculum. Attend your local PTA meetings. Read your Bible! Find out what you believe, and why, first and foremost.

4. Get confrontational: Jesus said to turn the other cheek, but Jesus also pushed away the angry crowds and walked defiantly through them at times when they threatened to hurt Him. Look it up in the various gospel accounts and find out for yourself. He overturned tables in the temple court. He called out the politically powerful religious leaders in public, scorning them and calling them inflamatory names. He was anything but subtle and timid. You and I are not Jesus, and we do not speak for Him - He speaks for Himself, so we only quote Him and His word, but to think that we need to turn cheeks without ever getting cheeky is just plain naive and useless. Christians are not perfect, and should keep this in mind, but there are people out there who need to be "told" and if we don't do it, no one else will. TELL people that the theory of evolution is just that, a theory, and a stupid one at that. TELL people that saying a public prayer is as American as the flag and apple pie. TELL people (after you have properly informed yourself) that our founding fathers held the Bible tightly and with honor as they began this grand country. TELL people you follow Jesus because all other paths lead to death. And don't ever apologize. Hell hath no fury or power like a Christian who knows that they are both sinful and forgiven.

5. Live it: If most of the TV programs you watch are directly in opposition to your Christian values, stop watching them. Cancel your cable, and tell the provider why! Write the networks and tell them why you won't watch their tripe. If a decent program is available, write the network and tell them why you do watch it. Better yet, read the Bible with your family, and teach yourselves the fundamental truths of the orthodox Christian faith. Go to church. Share your faith. Recognize that any real change in this world will be the result of God's work, and not our own. Live a life such that if a non-believer asks about your personal business, they will find integrity in what you say and do. Be as vocal and as determined as the liberals, gay activitists, and Christian-bashers are. Do it in love, decide what it is you want to accomplish beforehand, keep your head -- but get vocal, get bold, get firm, and get confrontational. Otherwise, the battle is already over.

Those who strive to erase Christianity from our culture are increasingly adamant, militant, and angry in their ways and means. God will deal with them in His own time, but He may well use you and me in that process. The name of Christ has more power to cause a stir (if not outright rage) among the godless masses today as never before. We should seize this opportunity to confront the lost and their desire to bash Christ and show them that the Savior they seek to silence is their only hope. While doing so, it won't hurt to remind them that Christians are people, with feelings, power, and the ability to rearrange their teeth if needed. Just kidding. Maybe.

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