Monday, September 29, 2008

Pay Day Someday

It's a great time for Christians to express their faith through conservative financial values.

As worldviews continue to collide in America, it is so apparent that the liberally minded media types are determined to make America look destined for destruction unless a Democrat is elected, and a major government bail out is approved. Wow, what a surprise.

A famous sermon preached over a century ago titled "pay day someday" shook the church world with direct hitting remarks towards personal responsibility. Theological discussions aside, the famous sermon made it's point, and it needs to be made again today in relation to Americans and their wallets.

What these two statement have in common is this.....America is due for a real financial whipping. Far too many spoiled baby boomers have been spending and charging and living on the financial edge for decades, and finally, after all those years of unchecked avarice, they are finally losing homes, going bankrupt, and seeing a few major banks go under.

The media is reporting upon all this corrective activity as a dooms day event, where "victims" are "suffering" under hard economic times, no doubt the result of the evil empire of George W. OK, so the liberal media is really showing themselves for what they are these days, which is the understatement of the century. Liberalism has never been so viciously touted and defended as it has been in 2008. This is far more than a war for the white house -- it is a war for the future of the general direction of this nation. But back to finances...

Christians are by and large far more conservative in all arenas of life, and when we are in a time when free spending Americans are having a harder time making ends meet, it is a great time to share our faith in Christ through finances. Maybe in no other day has this been so true. Certainly, this is an unconventional method for sharing Christ with others, but it can be so effective, provided the Christian is truly in a state of financial security.

Let's say that a Christian and his co-worker are having a discussion about today's economy, and the unbeliever is struggling financially. In this author's humble opinion, the Christian should boldly say that due to conservative biblical financial principals lived out in their lives, they are not missing payments, overdrawn on accounts, or struggling with higher gas prices. If this is actually true (and there is no reason why it shouldn't be) it can lead to a great discussion about God's principals of self control and financial stability.

So many Americans are having a difficult time financially because they want it all, want to pay for it later, and want to suffer no consequences. 3 strikes and they are out. We have become a nation of spoiled ego-centric spenders who have never really had to pay for their poor decisions and selfish ambition. With this talk of a government bail out, liberals once again want to create victims of everyone, promise to make it all better (since when did a government run bureaucracy ever solve anything?) and assure everyone that no one will suffer. Sounds like Stalin and Lenin circa 1930's. Make no mistake America -- the Democrats do want to establish socialist principals in our nations government so badly, they can taste it. And make no mistake about this.....a people who do not want to suffer, never pay for their misdeeds, and demand a "safety net" under all of their lives....are prime choice for a socialist government. This CAN happen right before our eyes.

I pray that the bail out fails on all counts, and the banks who ran stupid loans and all the people who spent without a thought for the future all get their financial bottoms spanked good. Let them suffer. Let them lose. Let them be embarassed. Let them have to build back, learning a powerful lesson of doing without and being responsible enough to admit their mistakes and correct them. Let Democrats who demanded low income, high risk loans for people who would never attempt to be faithful to those loans be castigated for ever making such a irresponsible move.

There will be a pay day someday. America had better wake up, quit coddling the irresponsible idiots, and take a good whipping when it is needed. And it is so needed!

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